# Crystallographic Information File for Nu-6(2)
# Reference :
# Zanardi, S., Alberti, A., Cruciani, G., Corma, A., Fornés, V. and Brunelli, M.
# Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 43, 4933-4937, (2004)
# CIF downloaded from the IZA-SC Database of Zeolite Structures
# Ch. Baerlocher, L.B. McCusker and D.H. Brouwer
# Database of Zeolite Structures: https://www.iza-structure.org/databases/
_chemical_name_systematic 'Nu-6(2)'

_cell_length_a 17.2569
_cell_length_b 4.9881
_cell_length_c 13.8482
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 106.091
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_formula_units_Z 1

_space_group.name_H-M_ref 'P 1 21/a 1'
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/a 1'
_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2yab'
_space_group.IT_number 14

SI1 Si 0.3286 0.2344 0.3038 0.0134 1
SI2 Si 0.5921 0.7965 0.2688 0.0134 1
SI3 Si 0.3093 0.6423 0.0109 0.0134 1
SI4 Si 0.3501 0.729 -0.1906 0.0134 1
SI5 Si 0.4068 0.7245 0.2323 0.0134 1
SI6 Si 0.6973 0.952 0.4901 0.0134 1
O1 O 0.3737 0.6247 0.1175 0.0163 1
O2 O 0.3852 0.4824 0.2984 0.0163 1
O3 O 0.6402 0.8547 0.3845 0.0163 1
O4 O 0.722 0.2636 0.4952 0.0163 1
O5 O 0.3612 0.7092 -0.0688 0.0163 1
O6 O 0.5013 0.7259 0.2598 0.0163 1
O7 O 0.4167 0.9246 -0.2075 0.0163 1
O8 O 0.2481 0.885 0.0176 0.0163 1
O9 O 0.3639 -0.0105 0.2527 0.0163 1
O10 O 0.3462 0.1404 0.4236 0.0163 1
O11 O 0.3639 0.4331 -0.2289 0.0163 1
O12 O 0.2392 0.315 0.2504 0.0163 1
# End of data for Nu-6(2)